Drawing of a paintnrish, a pen and a pencil

Place Life Colour

art by Amanda Earlam

Do enjoy looking at the various paintings and drawings I have been making over the last five years. Many of us had a Pandemic project. Returning to art-making was mine and I am still very inspired.

I have included a representative image for each subject or medium page. Just click on one to explore.


Orange and blue
I do love abstract. Pure colour and shape, sometimes with a dash of collage as well.
A person in bed holding their cat
Rowan and Kittie
I am as yet a beginner to digital art but I can see I could enjoy it. It is a tool, like any other art material.
Four windy Ladies
Paintings of street life in the Moroccan town of Essaouira.
Portraits in all kinds of media
Red circles and red squiggles on black and white background
Red circles on grey
Gelli prints (a form of monoprint) are a new discovery to me, as to many others. They are loads of fun and give beautiful results.
A donkey sniffing a cart
Marrakech donkey
Here is a collection of sketches I did of Essaouira in Morocco, sitting snugly in my studio, wearing out the Pandemic. So very much luckier than many people, I know.
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