Drawing of a paintnrish, a pen and a pencil

Place Life Colour

art by Amanda Earlam

Dressing for halloween

This was a birthday painting for my daughter. It shows her and a best friend, enjoying the most fun part of Halloween, which is getting dressed up. Of course, this was in 2019. No parties in 2020!

I stuck to a very reduced palette of browns and yellow, just to show their happy, young faces.

Since Ella also loved this painting, I was tempted to have another crack at that evening. This time I went all-out on the colour, including changing the
monochrome leggings for much brighter ones. The background is also a hot yellow, to give a party atmosphere. The red feathery headdress was actually there, just as you see it. So were Rowan’s strange white contact lenses and the bright blue make up.

I gave this painting to Ella for her birthday. The bright palette still counts as restricted (teal, lemon yellow, phthalo blue and naphthol red, on a nice bright ground of yellow and orange acrylic ink).

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